Network and Learn for Security Officers

Network and Learn for Security Officers


Security officers are an important component of the security for media organizations. They are responsible for minimizing risks for journalists and reporters working in the field by providing them with adequate preparation and training. They also have to ensure that everything is prepared in the back office - at the headquarters, in the newsroom and with IT. A number of policies and plans have to be put in place.

Join us in person at ORF, Österreichischer Rundfunk, in Vienna to discuss your concerns and challenges with fellow experts and find support and ideas.

This Network and Learn for security officers aims to address crucial safety issues at a corporate level.

Who It's for

  • Security officers
  • Safety advisors
  • Heads of foreign news
  • Senior correspondents, International news
  • Humanitarian directors
  • Heads of special events

from EBU Member organizations


  • Understand and prepare for different types of threats and incidents that can arise in the field.
  • Learn how to manage media teams to ensure they help and don't hinder you as you try to protect them.
  • Prepare for a crisis and expect the unexpected. The key to security is planning.
  • Gain a clearer picture of the tools at your disposal that can make life easier and safer.


Day 1: 13:30 - 18:00

Day 2: 9:00 - 12:30


The content of the course undergoes constant review to ensure that participants are brought up to date with the latest safety issues.

Topics for discussion will include:

  • Group updates on the Ukraine/Russia war
  • Working in Russia - restrictions and practical issues 
  • Israel and Lebanon conflict - IDF and media relations
  • US situation updates post the election and plans for presidential inauguration 
  • Presentation by ICRC  - humanitarian disaster zones: working with the media, local government restrictions and law of armed conflict 
  • Cyber harassment
  • Threat posed to media from right and left wing political parties and activists