Acquire The Skills And Tools You Need To Valorize Your Public Media Archives


Archives are a unique asset for Public Media organizations. They can be used to enrich digital content as well as TV and radio programmes. When made available to the public, to schools or for commercial use, media archives can play an even stronger social role and help bring together different generations and segments of the audience.

To ensure that your media archives are fully accessible, you need to empower your archives professionals with the right tools, processes, and skills. To that end, EBU Academy & INA - the French Institut National de l’Audiovisuel – have joined forces to develop an 18-hour tailored online course. 

The objectives of the course are as follows: 

  • Give media archive professionals a roadmap on how to make their archives more accessible and develop their educational and commercial use.
  • Facilitate the internal use of archives so that content producers have access to media archives that are easily retrievable, well indexed and with cleared rights.

To make it easier for professionals to acquire the new skills at their own pace, the course is delivered online on INA’s Learning Management System,

Who It's For:

  • Professionals working in the preservation, management, and access of audiovisual archives
  • Digital archivists, media archive technicians, media managers 
  • Researchers

It is recommended that several colleagues from the same Archive department take part in the course together to maximize the impact for the organization. 

Course Outline


  • Behind the scenes: broadcasting and archiving a TV archive
  • The Archiving process
  • Challenges for audiovisual archives in the digital era


  • Part 1: Overview of different valorization models
    • Distribution of audiovisual archives
    • Archives for documentary production
    • Audiovisual archives for education
    • Focus: Audiovisual Archives for general audiences
  • Part 2: Pre-requisites for audiovisual archives valorization
    • The legal framework
    • Structuring, describing, editorializing audiovisual archives
    • Case study: Maddelen
    • Conclusion: It’s your turn now!

Skills Learnt

Archives: Update your archive production and valorization skills
Audience needs: Address archives to different audiences according to their needs
Business: Identify opportunities to exploit the potential of your media archives 
Editorial skills: Contextualize archives, according to the access model, the distribution tool and the audience needs
Innovation: Review the various forms you can valorize your digital media archives
Strategy: Contribute to the valorization strategy of your archives


  • 18 hours of online course delivered through INA’s learning management platform
  • Modules combine theoretical inputs, feedbacks, videos and interactive activities
  • The course is asynchronous allowing trainees to organize their learning at their own pace


Monday 31st October 2022
Registered trainees receive their login and password to access the course on INA’s learning management platform 

Monday 31st October to Friday 9th December
Self-paced online training on INA LMS

Week of 31st October
Week of 14th November    
Week of 9th December 

(Exact dates and time to be confirmed)   
1.5hr virtual live meeting on Zoom 
Q & A 
Feedback on the course

Friday 9th December 2022
End of the course. Access to the course is suspended.

INA Trainers and Archiving Experts

Brice Amouroux, Deputy Head of INA Technical Department
Philippe Sartori, Head of Sales and Marketing Department at INA
Barbara Mutz, Head, Legal and regulatory affairs department of INA
Marie-Agathe Pichot de la Marandais, lawyer, Legal and regulatory affairs department of INA
Flore-Anne d’Arcimoles, Documentary director
Documentation managers of INA