FREE - Introduction to the Eurovision Social Newswire

FREE - Introduction to the Eurovision Social Newswire


With thousands of hours of video uploaded to social platforms every minute, eyewitness media is playing an ever-increasing role within the newsroom. Video from bystanders and activists emerges from across the world in its rawest form, in real-time, as events unfold. However, it is not always possible for newsrooms to discover, verify, and clear this content for purpose.

The Eurovision Social Newswire (ESN) is the EBU’s digital verification and OSINT community, which delivers crucial eyewitness media as events happen.

The ESN is a community-based interactive newswire with a membership of over 2,000 journalists, editors and producers, collaborating in real-time to discover, verify and clear the most newsworthy eyewitness media.

EBU Academy gives you the chance to book a 45-minute introductory webinar for your organisation with the Eurovision Social Newswire team, where you learn about the support tiers offered to EBU Members, including the dedicated collaborative platform, the ready-to-use cleared content, and the verification support available to your teams designed to bolster your editorial activities.