Help Children Tell Their Stories - Improve Your Interviews With Young People

Help Children Tell Their Stories - Improve Your Interviews With Young People


Everyone has a story that deserves telling, including children but they can be notoriously hard to interview.

This new Master Class helps journalists connect with young people to encourage them to feel safe, open up and talk authentically in sometimes intensely emotional situations.

EBU Academy Faculty Member, Evie Daniels combines her unique set of skills as a child psychologist, trainer and actor to bring learning - and young people themselves - to life in this uniquely presented course.

She assesses young people’s behaviours as extrovert vs introvert and people-oriented vs task oriented, a model to support interviewers in speaking with children.

Evie was a guest speaker at the EBU Kids News Meeting in 2023 which led to her being highly recommended to EBU Academy.

Who’s this course for:

All journalists wanting to make better interviews with children, from kids news reporters to domestic and foreign news correspondents.

What you will learn:

  • How to connect to young people and invite them to tell their story.
  • How to deal with intense emotions and (potential) trauma.
  • What is the single best question to ask young people.
  • Why understanding how the brain works will improve your interviews.
  • How to recognise, understand and tune in on specific communication styles.

Meet your faculty

Evie Daniels

Psychologist, Communication Skills Trainer, and Creator of Theatre Interventions

Evie Daniels is a psychologist, communication skills trainer, and creator of theatre interventions, in both healthcare and corporate setting. Throughout her career, Evie has conducted countless interviews with children, specializing in those who have endured trauma from sexual abuse, domestic violence, and wartime experiences. She now trains healthcare professionals nationwide in conducting conversations with children about child abuse. Her dedication to giving children a voice led her to train journalists in child interviewing techniques, notably influencing youth news programs in the Netherlands and Belgium.