How to Improve the Cybersecurity Maturity of your Media Organization

How to Improve the Cybersecurity Maturity of your Media Organization


Cyber threats have become a major issue for Public Service Media. It needs to be addressed at all levels and in all functions across the organization. Production and distribution are particularly at risk since they now use IP-based technologies.  

However, Cybersecurity managers and experts in media organizations often find it difficult to get the endorsement of the top management on the strategy and their support when implementing cybersecurity measures across the company.

The Master Class aims to give CISOs and Cybersecurity experts in media the tools and skills you need to help your organization reach a higher cybersecurity maturity level. You will learn how to:

  1. Map out and present the critical cyber risks for your organization.
  2. Formulate the right messages to the management at the right level.
  3. Create a cybersecurity strategy that is both efficient and actionable, and set up the relevant processes and KPIs to implement it,
  4. Design staff training plans and maintain the expected skillset level.
  5. Get best practices and processes for cybersecurity.

The course will be based on practical cases from the trainer and the audience, exercises and supported by actionable methodologies.

Who it's for

  • EBU Members
  • Chief Security Information Officers
  • Cybersecurity Managers & Experts
  • IT Managers (involved or interested in cybersecurity topics and governance)

Skills learnt

  • Business: Learn how to associate business risks to cyber threats and ensure your media organization is fully aware.
  • Strategy: Learn how to design an efficient and actionable cybersecurity strateg.
  • Leadership: Learn how to develop the tools and the right narrative to get your executives buy-in to your proposed cybersecurity strategy and raise your organization cybersecurity maturity.
  • Safety & security: Acquire a method and tools to better manage cybersecurity risks and incidents.

Programme outline

09:30 – 12:30

  • Intro: Why cybersecurity is seen as a blocker and how to deal with it?
  • Business Risks identification and management.
  • Visibility: how to protect what is unknown?
  • Presenting Cybersecurity to a board of director; KPIs, Messages and Presentation.
  • Food for thoughts: How to develop a top-down strategy with priority to increase your maturity level.

14:00 – 17:30

  • Debrief of the Top-Down strategy reflexion.
  • Incident response from the preparation to the reaction.
  • How to train and maintain the expected skillset level.
  • Key take-aways and Wrap up.


  After completing the modules, you will be awarded an EBU Academy Certificate