How to Make AI Your Creative Superpower
How to Make AI Your Creative Superpower
Creativity grabs attention, raises emotions, surprises, and delights audiences. It is part of the DNA of Public Service Media. However, the need for efficiency within organizations and packed diaries can stifle the creation of new ideas.
How can you stay creative and relevant as a professional? Enter the world of Artificial Intelligence!
This exciting new course combines a hybrid on-line session and in-person format to teach you first, how to use AI to fire-up your creativity and, secondly, how to apply learnings to your own projects. A collaboration between EBU Academy and Yle Innovation, the course is led by Tove Mylläri who is AI Innovation Lead at the Finnish broadcasting company where the in-person part of the course will be taking place.
Join us to learn how to boost your creativity and how to create unique content with the help of AI. The course is a mix of inspirational talks & learnings about AI assisted creativity and an in-person exploration workshop where you will create ideas and receive feedback from the trainer and your peers.
Who is it for
- Content Editors
- Content Producers
- Project managers
- Product owners
- Strategists
What you will learn
- The potential of AI in assisted creativity in arts
- Integration of AI in Creative Processes
- Future proofing your professional skills
- Hybrid Learning Experience
Course outline
PART 1: Open your mind to AI.
Thursday, May 16th. 10:00 - 12:30 GVA time Live Online on Zoom
Tove explains what the creative superpowers and potential of AI are, how Yle has used tools and how you can do the same.
The live virtual session also includes an exploration of important topics - Ethics, Governance and AI literacy.
PART 2: Your mission.
Over one week, after the live session on Zoom and prior to the in-person course at YLE.
To identify/create a specific project or experiment which could benefit from AI powered creativity.
Speak with internal stakeholders and discuss what you’ve learned, play with tools and record findings.
PART 3: The 24-hour challenge.
Thursday, May 23rd - 14:00 - 18:00 & Friday, May 24th - 09:00 - 13:00, Helsinki time. In-person at YLE Innovation, YLE, Helsinki, Finland.
Work with colleagues to develop your ideas or experiments using AI tools; discuss, challenge, and possibly collaborate - under the tutoring of Tove.
Create a 5-minute pitch to a panel of content and innovation experts from YLE. Will you win a commission?