Oxford Scenarios Programme
Oxford Scenarios Programme
Scenario planning is a structured way of identifying plausible futures that strengthens an organisation’s ability to cope with uncertainty and turbulence. This approach helps leaders understand the context they are in and think through their approach to strategy and its development.
The Oxford Scenario Planning Approach is an intellectually rigorous approach to scenario planning with theoretical aspects grounded in practical guidance. It offers a different approach to strategy development, asking you to focus on strengthening your ability to cope with uncertainty and secure the opportunities it offers instead of trying to predict the future.
You will be encouraged to adopt a more inquiring approach as a means of effectively forging a culture where disagreement becomes an asset to build better understanding, not a liability to be avoided. Opening your thinking will allow you to better identify shared opportunities and how you can leverage situations to suit your organisation’s specific challenges.
- Understand complex scenario theories, methodologies, approaches and interventions
- Identify how to deploy effective scenarios and learn why scenarios can fail
- Opportunity for individual growth and reflection, and to question assumptions
- Creatively drive strategic thinking and practice
- Able to make key decisions in the context of turbulence, uncertainty, novelty and ambiguity (TUNA)
- Knowledge of where scenario planning fits in the organisation and its relation to other processes
This programme is for individuals and teams with responsibility for strategy, planning or leadership. This programme is a public course that welcomes professionals from a wide range of industries and countries.
Business: Scenario planning create new business opportunities.
Innovation: Strengthening the ability to cope with uncertainty and secure the opportunities it offers instead of trying to predict the future
Strategy: Scenario planning helps leaders understand the context they are in and think through their approach to strategy and its development