Using Your Archive to Showcase Your Unique Value as a PSM

Using Your Archive to Showcase Your Unique Value as a PSM


We know that public service media (PSM) has a unique and vital role in democratic societies, not just to inform citizens about civil and political issues but to enrich their lives culturally and to educate. At a time when PSM organizations are coming under intense pressure and even existential threats, this class looks at how you can use your archive to powerfully demonstrate your impact as public media. Come away with creative ideas and techniques to unlock the huge value of your unique audio, stills and video collections curated throughout many years.



This is part of EBU Academy’s PSM Compass Bootcamp, a portfolio of courses and learning activities supporting those working in advocacy and communications. This is in support of the EBU’s PSM Compass, an online toolkit helping Members take on existential threats. Take 3 or more events in the Bootcamp series and you will be awarded a special diploma from EBU Academy.

Who’s it for:

  • Advocacy and communications professionals
  • Corporate strategists
  • Archivists

What you’ll learn:

  • How to make your archive work harder with specific goals.
  • Ways to target archive footage to reach different stakeholders.
  • Techniques to develop creative new uses.
  • Examples of archives used in campaigns.
  • How to use archive to educate young audiences of PSM’s worth.
  • Why partnerships can be powerful.


Meet your faculty

Mark Egan

Speaker, Trainer, Media Content creator and Arsenal fan

Mark Egan has been working in media innovation for more than 15 years. As a former BBC journalist, Mark has created content for everything from TV documentaries to short-form social media content. Together with the EBU Academy he has been involved in training teams around Europe on how to stay on the cutting edge of artificial intelligence. He is also passionate about using technology to tell stories in a more creative way, from using archives to using AI for visual content. Mark has spoken on stages at major events around the world and runs regular workshops in-person and virtually from his home studio.